Month: September 2020
F2 Picking Blackberries
F2 have been picking the blackberries and raspberries in our allotment. They tasted delicious!
Year 5 Life Cycles of different Animals
In science this term, year 5 are learning about the life cycles of different animals. This afternoon, children were researching the process of metamorphosis and …
F1 House Brick Shaped Biscuits
Biscuit baking in Nursery…chocolate flavoured house bricks and shape of the week!
Year 2/1K Walk Around The Meadows
2/1 enjoyed their walk around the local area as part of our Meadows topic! We discussed all of the different house types we saw.
Year 6/5N Learning about WW2
This afternoon, we learnt about children’s lives in WW2 by discussing the different things you’d find in an evacuee’s suitcase!
Year 6T History
Year 6 kick started their history lesson by ordering events from the Mesozoic Era to Present Day to understand when World War 2 took place. …
Year 4/3M Stone Age Homes
Year 4/3M spent the afternoon learning about Stone Age homes. They drew them, then worked in teams to create their own.