Diversity Assembly
In today’s assembly we celebrated how diverse our school is with so many ‘World Cup 2022’ nationals represented.
EYFS World Cup Assembly
EYFS assembly this week was all about The World Cup! We listened to the famous ‘3 Lions’ song and learnt a song about what happens in the World Cup. We are super excited for Monday.
KS2 Welbeck’s World Cup Draw Assembly
Welbeck World Cup Draw. Today in assembly we did the Welbeck World Cup Draw which will see all KS2 participate in.
Odd Socks Day
Today’s whole school assembly was about ‘Odd Socks’ day for anti-bullying week. We shared our thoughts on caring, respecting and reaching out to each other, before reading ‘How to be a Lion’ and celebrating being unique, kind and considerate!
KS2 Remembrance Day Assembly
Key Stage 2 paid their respects in assembly today and learnt all about Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday. The children considered why people wear poppies and learnt about the importance of this annual event.
Talent Assembly
Reading Disco
Our disco for our reading treat was a huge success! So much fun was had by all. We danced, played games and even had a dance-off!! Keep up the marvellous reading children.
KS1 Firework Safety Assembly
It was Mrs Challen’s firework safety assembly today! Reception and KS1 spoke about how to keep safe around fireworks and bonfires.
KS2 Harvest Assembly
Key Stage 2 celebrated ‘Harvest’ with an assembly and singing! This year’s theme was ‘Grow your own’, with pupils sharing what they have been growing in our school allotment. A huge thank you to everyone for their generous Harvest donations and support
LKS2 Stone Age Trip
Year 4/3 took part in fantastic Stone Age workshops today, learning how people would have lived and experiencing how tools, jewellery and shelters were made. They also tried basket weaving, axe making, cave painting and food preparation!
KS2 Assembly about Rosa Parks
KS2 took part in an assembly about using their voice for good. We heard about Rosa Parks and how she used her voice to stand up for what she believed in. KS2 were so inspired and impressed by her bravery and determination, they gave a spontaneous round of applause!
UKS2 Evacuee Day
Upper KS2 were evacuated to the countryside in last week’s experience day for our WW2 topic. They were met in the village hall by the local billeting officer who sent them off to their new homes and schools.
In their new countryside school, our UKS2 evacuees learned how to stay safe in the event of an air raid and sang favourite songs from the early 1940s. We wrote our own verses from beneath the table after an unexpected air raid siren
During the war, it was important to know how to sew, so these evacuees have been practising their skills. Even clothing was rationed so people needed to ‘Make Do and Mend’ the holes in their socks and attach missing buttons.
These evacuees learned about ‘WW2 Rationing’ and how much food a family had each week. We thought about how we could make the food last and meals we could make, then we used the rations to make delicious rock cakes which we shared at home time.
During WW2, children spent a lot of time in the outdoors. Our evacuees got outside to identify plants, trees and birds. Then they collected conkers and attached them to string to play a few rounds. We had great fun and had a tournament at lunchtime!
UKS2 enjoyed a 1940s style packed lunch in the park. Our basic rations were wrapped in brown paper and string. Aditi helped to keep spirits high after our sad goodbyes by playing us some tunes on the piano!
Our brave evacuees wrote postcards to their families to let them know where they had been housed in the countryside and what their experience of their host family had been so far. Luckily, most had positive stories to share.
Year 6W arrived with their gas masks and suitcases today, ready to be evacuated to the countryside for the UKS2 WWII Experience Day. We attached our tags to our jackets, waved a final goodbye to our parents and made our way to the train.
Year 6 Dodgeball Festival
Year 6 Dodgeball Festival! Our children loved their first dodgeball festival of the year today and worked so hard. We won 4 and drew 2- a cracking result! Great to see plenty of smiles on faces.
Lower Key Stage 2 Palaeontologist Workshop
Lower Key Stage 2 had a fantastic workshop delivered by Mary Anning this afternoon. She told us all about her experiences as a palaeontologist. This helped us to learn much more about fossils as part of our science topic all about rocks.
Years 5 & 6 Roles and Responsibilities
Our roles and responsibilities board for 2022 has gone up and our Year 5 and 6 students are completing their application forms. Fingers crossed for everyone that their applications are successful and that they are called for an interview!
New School Council Members
Congratulations to our new School Council members who were voted in by their classmates. Each member wrote and delivered a speech outlining why they would make an excellent school councillor and how they would ensure everyone’s voice and opinion is heard!
Kilometre Club Launch
Our Kilometre Club is up and running! After Mr.Mark’s assembly to launch it, we welcomed our first athletes this morning, with Ihsaan in Y4 running his 1st kilometre (just over 3 laps!) Anyone can join in- be in the park from 8:30am with your trainers!
Years 5 & 6 Cross Country Relay
A huge well done to our Y5 and Y6 athletes who competed in the Nottingham City cross country relay championship. Finishing 4th in the girl’s race and 5th in the boy’s race, they showed fantastic perseverance and dedication in completing their 1.5km laps!
First day back to school.
And just like that, we are back! Learning by exploring, reading, writing, talking and playing. We are so pleased to be back at school!