- We are an aspirational school. High expectations and academic rigour are valued at all stages. The classroom focus is on challenge, engagement, enjoyment, achievement and independent learning. Learning is celebrated in all its forms. We believe all children have skills, interests, gifts and talents and it is our responsibility to identify, develop and nurture these in order for them to achieve success.
- High quality teaching is a strength of our school. Reading is a priority and we foster a love of reading in all that we do. A wide range of enrichment activities enhance our ambitious, well sequenced curriculum developing children’s knowledge and skills across all subjects. We develop all pupil’s self esteem and self confidence so that they have a thirst for learning and achieve their full potential.
- Children’s spiritual, moral, social, cultural development and their health and wellbeing are a priority. Effective pastoral, support and intervention programmes are implemented across the school.
- The school has a committed, forward looking, energetic staffing team who work relentlessly to ensure a highly effective school where all children receive the best education possible.
- High quality professional development opportunities are offered to all staff to ensure they can continually improve their practice. They are also trained to lead, develop and support the teaching and learning across the school.
- We work in partnership with parents, governors, the community, relevant agencies and stakeholders. Each year we develop and utilise valuable local, national and international network and business links to share and learn from best practice. This enables us to access and utilise all available resources to strengthen teaching and learning and ensure effective school improvement.
- We promote our school, community and city constantly, maintaining a high profile across the city and beyond to ensure our school, the children and their families are represented in a positive way. We embrace and celebrate all our achievements. We work together, drawing on the strengths of the whole school community, to maintain our standards of achievement and success.
- We are committed to raising aspirations and ensuring lifelong learning for all.