Welbeck Primary School
Kinglake Place
The Meadows
Tel: 0115 9153890
Email: admin@welbeck.nottingham.sch.uk
Headteacher: Ms Gittins
Deputy Headteacher: Mr Cobbe
If you have any queries about the school or any of it’s policies or procedures, please contact :
Office Business Manager: Mrs Doolan – admin@welbeck.nottingham.sch.uk
Initial enquires to the school will be dealt with by:
Office Manager: Ms Teriipaia
Office Assistant: Mrs Tongue
SEN enquires can be sent to the school SENCo.
SEN Co-Ordinator: Mrs McConnochie – ruth.mcconnochie@welbeck.nottingham.sch.uk
Mrs McConnochie can also be reached via the school office telephone: 0115 9153890
The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection with the school.
Data Protection Officer: Mrs Doolan – admin@welbeck.nottingham.sch.uk
If you would like to request a free paper copy of anything on this website then please see our Office Staff.
Our school opening hours are 8:45 am – 3:15pm (32.5 hours a week)