Welbeck Primary School
Pupil Premium Funding For Schools

Pupil Premium Funding For Schools

Welbeck Primary School Development

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025

At Welbeck Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that each individual pupil receives the very best education allowing them to reach their full potential academically and socially. This belief is reflected in our school vision: we have the highest expectations and that we continually strive to ensure that no pupil is left behind.

When deciding how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant (‘PPG’) it is important that we look at the potential barriers to learning faced by Pupil Premium pupils in the context of our school.

The reasons for underachievement are varied and could include:

  • Less support at home
  • Social and emotional difficulties due to complex family situations
  • Attendance and punctuality difficulties.

Each child entitled to the PPG is unique in their situation and our response to their needs must reflect this. With this in mind, we aim to build the capacity and expertise to enable us to provide a highly personalised programme of support in order to allow each child to reach his/her full potential.

Our key objective in using the PPG is to narrow the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to Pupil Premium and those not. Historically pupils at Welbeck Primary achieve and attain well, often at levels much higher than those expected nationally. However, there is still a pattern of Pupil Premium pupils doing better than other Pupil Premium pupils nationally but not as well as those who are not entitled to the PPG. We aim to narrow and even remove this gap.

We will ensure that:

  • A high profile is given to Pupil Premium Pupils
  • All staff are accountable for the progress of Pupil Premium children
  • The HT and DHT will track and monitor PP achievement
  • A designated Governor is allocated to review impact of the PP Grant

Our funding priorities for 2024-25 fall into 4 key areas:

  1. Teaching and Learning
  2. Pastoral – Social and Emotional Support
  3. Enrichment within and beyond the curriculum
  4. Persistent absences

Learning and the Curriculum

  • Teacher and TA led targeted interventions in phonics, language and communication, reading and number.
  • 1:1 and small group tutoring including additional targeted interventions during and after school
  • Specialist teachers to develop G+T talents in music, art, sport

Parents and Families

  • Parent Support Work
  • Structured Conversations between teachers and families
  • Family days in school
  • Improving attendance and punctuality
  • Breakfast and After School Clubs

Social and Emotional Support

  • Counselling
  • Learning Mentors

Enrichment Within and Beyond the Curriculum

  • Enriched curriculum opportunities
  • Breakfast and After School Clubs
  • Wide variety of clubs

Impact is measured through:

  • Standards and progress.
  • Attendance and punctuality.
  • Incidents of behaviour.
  • Participation in enrichment activities including: visits, residential, clubs, sport and music lessons.

A detailed breakdown of how the funding can be found in our Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024 on our website.

We will review our strategy in July 2025

Signed:   Rebecca Gittins          Headteacher                   September 2024


Pupil premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024