Welbeck Primary School


At Welbeck, safeguarding is at the forefront of everything we do. All staff have the responsibility to protect children from harm and ensure that children are happy, healthy and achieving their full potential.

Our designated team of safeguarding leads (DSLs) are trained to manage any concerns that may arise. Any safeguarding concerns that are brought to the attention of the DSLs are investigated thoroughly and support is then offered where necessary. Where there is a risk of harm or maltreatment, DSLs will refer concerns to the appropriate agencies to ensure children and families access the support needed.

Welbeck Primary School works hard to educate children about keeping themselves safe. This runs throughout our curriculum, is shared in assemblies and RSHE lessons, and visitors are invited in to speak with children on safeguarding topics during visits.

If you have any questions regarding safeguarding, our role as a team in the school or would like to know more about a specific issue please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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