In the event of over-subscription within any of the criteria listed below, preference will be given to applicants who live closest to the school, as measured in a straight line from home to school (i.e. as the crow flies).
1. Places will first be allocated to pupils who, at the closing date for applications, live within the catchment area, whose parents have requested a place at the school and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.
2. Places will then be allocated to other pupils who, at the closing date for applications, live within the catchment area and whose parents have requested a place at the school.
3. Places will then be allocated to pupils who live outside the catchment area, whose parents have requested a place at the school and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.
4. Places will then be allocated to pupils whose parents, at the closing date for applications, have:
• requested the school as a second preference, and
• live in an adjacent catchment area, and
• requested their catchment area school as a first preference, but were unable to obtain a place because the school was full (this will be the named school for transport).
5. Places will then be allocated to other pupils who live outside the catchment area whose parents have requested a place at the school.
Applicants who can establish particular medical, mobility, special educational need or social grounds relating to their child, which can be met most appropriately by the school, may be offered a place. Applications must be accompanied by supporting written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional. Each case will be considered on its merits by the Director of Education (or his nominated representative) in consultation with the school concerned.
Admissions to Foundation 1
The same conditions as above apply for admission to Foundation 1, but in addition, preference will be given to those children who will be promoted to the Main School.
Admissions from Foundation 1
When children reach the time of transfer from Foundation 1 to Main school parents will must arrange their children’s admission to the school serving their home address or seek a place attending a school of their choice. Parents must actively state their preferred school, together with their reasons, in accordance with the LA policy. Children enter the Reception Class at the beginning of the year in which they are five.
Parents should contact the local authority for more information about our admission arrangements.
For more information on admissions, in year applications and appeals, please visit the Nottingham City Council Admissions page.