We are passionate about sport at Welbeck Primary and PE is an essential part of the curriculum.
We are committed to delivering high quality PE lessons starting in Nursery and provide many sporting opportunities for our children by employing a UPS1 PE teacher to lead on PE in the school.
A range of sporting extra-curricular clubs are provided and we commit to all children taking part in an after school club every year. We strive for our children to leave Year 6 ready for the next stage of education with the knowledge of how to lead a healthy, active lifestyle that they will have found a sport or physical activity that will become a life-long interest.
As part of the ‘Gifted and Talented’ programme, talented athletes are targeted by the PE lead and provision is made in school as well as out to ensure their skills are developed.
Our programme of study is sport specific and offers a broad range of sports and activities.
In the Early Years, PE lessons specifically focus on fundamental movements, gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Lessons have high levels of physical activity and enjoyment is a key part. Children participate in various types of tag games, play based learning and sports specific games. Communication, self-awareness and negotiating space are important parts of the lessons.
In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, progression across years allows for our children to prosper. Here, lessons are sports specific. Lessons focus more on skill development with some use of tactics lower down the years. Further up the school, lessons consolidate the skills and allow the children to demonstrate them in game situations.
As part of Welbeck’s ‘50 Things to do’ promise, all children take part in a sports competition every year. We follow Nottingham City’s Competition calendar, entering a range of competitions and festivals. We compete in the U11s Football league for boys and girls and enter a range of other competitions, such as the Sportshall athletics, Tag Rugby, Cross Country and Handball competitions. We have outside providers deliver PE sessions such as The Tennis Roadshow, Bikeability and the Me V Me challenge. The PE lead runs a range of intra-competitions, such as ‘Welbeck’s Wimbledon’ and ‘Welbeck Euros’ the ‘Easter Run’ and many more.
Our ‘Sports Leaders’ programme is an embedded opportunity for Y5 and 6 pupils to lead on running sports activities for younger children at playtimes and lunchtimes. They receive regular training from the PE lead to fulfil this role.
We are recognised for our commitment to PE and have achieved the Sainsbury’s Gold School Games award