At Welbeck Primary School, we deliver a Geography curriculum that strives to encourage and develop globally-minded pupils.
Geographical learning starts with exploring the familiar Meadows community in EYFS and progresses, through Key Stages, to develop an understanding of how the local area and Nottingham fits into the Wider World. In our school community, many of our pupils have family links with countries across the world; we actively encourage opportunities to research and celebrate the children’s cultural diversity. A world map, atlases and a globe are displayed in every classroom as hands-on resources, which also support curiosity, interest and geographical enquiry generated by media reports on world events.
Geography is timetabled so that every child receives their full entitlement through stimulating topics, which incorporate practical and active lessons. As part of Welbeck’s ‘50 things to do’, Y2 and Y6 residential trips provide geographical enrichment for all pupils.
Within the progression of skills, key technical vocabulary is outlined in the teaching, which is then revisited at the end of topic, allowing learners to build a rich bank of geographical language. Throughout Key Stage Two, pupils begin to develop their understanding of the interactions between physical and human geography, in the Africa and Earth Matters units of study. Links to other subjects are made where relevant and include, for example, ICT, Writing, Art, Science and Music.
Geography is delivered over a two-year cycle covering the following topics:
EYFS: Geographers take walks around the local Meadows area, identifying geographical features in All About Me topics.
Key Stage One: Arctic Adventures; We Are Britain; Farm to Fork; Meadows.
Lower Key Stage Two: Africa; Orienteering and Exploring; Rainforests; The Journey of a River.
Upper Key Stage Two: Extreme Earth; Earth Matters; Fieldwork study.
We are proud of our commitment to developing children as global citizens and achieved the Gold International Schools Award in 2018.