Welbeck Primary School Covid-19 Response March 2020 and January 2021
- A socially distanced Parents’ meeting was held on 23rd March 2020-information clearly shared, parents reassured, food banks, art/craft packs and laptops/ipads provided for all those in need of support.
- High expectation of Vulnerable Children attending. Phonecalls and conversations completed with all VC families. 100% of VC in school daily compared with National average of 5%.
- Risk assessments completed by DSL lead for 19 children
- 1 CP child not in school at first-home visits completed 2/3 per week. Concerns escalated to local MP, NST CEO and Social Care service managers.
- 100% of EHCP children attended school daily with 1:1 support
- 100% of Keyworker staff children in school
- Free School Meal Vouchers ordered and distributed by Admin staff weekly.
- 95% of Welbeck staff attended school during closure. Considerations made for vulnerable staff members.
- School open every day of Easter holidays and bank holidays for all VC and KW pupils including all EHCP pupils.
- Online curriculum via Purple Mash platform set up and running from first day of lock down on Monday 23rd March and again from Tuesday 5th January 2021
- 100% of children had access to home learning, 70 IPADS/laptop lent out by school, broadband organised and paid for families. Daily technical support provided by IT technician with direct line for parents.
- Home learning packs delivered to doors for parents who struggled with online work.
- Children in school were taught daily not provided with ‘childcare’ as Government Guidance stated. Daily English, Maths and Foundation subjects with class teacher and Teaching Assistants were delivered.
- Staff present in school preparing learning environment e.g reading corners, outdoor learning in preparation for re-opening.
- Weekly communication from teachers via phone calls, handwritten letters to every child, emails sent daily.
- Records of work completed submitted to HT/DHT weekly-issues and support followed up.
- 100% of pupils accessed work set online.
- Safeguarding and well being questions asked during phone calls and home visits.
- Verbal parents evening held over the phone- 97 % of parents attended.
- The SENCO contacted all SEND pupils and checked if learning is supported and appropriate. Feedback given to staff.
- Daily bedtime stories uploaded to Twitter by all staff for children.
- Weekly art/dt/music/sports lessons uploaded by Specialist support teachers on Twitter
- 2 x school videos created and sent to all children
- Breakfast club, fruit and milk, hot meals provided for all children daily.
- 1100 food bank parcels given to families on Fridays and via drop offs on Friday evening
- 50 home visits carried out by DSLs
- £18500 received from grant bids/letters sent for help
- Donations used for food banks, clothing, internet, furniture and mobile top ups.
- Socially distanced Parents’ information meetings were held in May 2020 to share Risk Assessment and offer reassurance.
- Welbeck re-opened to all pupils in June 2020 and again on 8th March 2021
- In the first reopneing, marquees and outdoor heaters were hired to ensure all pupils had equal access to their education whilst maintaining the maximum bubble of 15.
- 92% of children returned to school in June and July. Baseline assessments were completed. 100% retuned to school on 8th March 2021.
- A whole school catch up learning programme with bespoke interventions in place on 2nd September for all pupils. A second catch-up programme in place on Monday 8th March 2021.