Welbeck Primary School
Recovery Premium Funding

Recovery Premium Funding

Welbeck Primary School Development

Recovery Premium Funding Learning Programme 2021-2022

Due to the partial school closure, approximately 60% of pupils in our school did not attend school from 5th January 2021. The Government provided schools with an additional fund of £30,000 from September 2020-July 2021 to implement a catch up learning programme. We appointed additional staff to implement this programme. End of term assessments were completed in March 2021, these informed how we targeted the support in summer term to ensure rapid progress. Here is a breakdown of planned support provided:

English and Maths in school interventions:

Class When Intervention Additional staff
EYFS Daily Reading and Maths interventions TAs
1 Daily 1-1.30pm Additional phonics intervention TAs
2/1 Weds pms English and Maths LA interventions (rotated groups) Ms Morroll-TA
2 Thursday pms English and Maths LA interventions (rotated groups) Ms Morroll-TA
3 Mon and Tuesday all day

English and maths LA targeted support am

English and Maths LA interventions-pm

Mr Unwin-teacher
4/3 Tues-pms English and Maths LA targeted support Mr Unwin-teacher
4 Weds ams English and Maths HA targeted support Mrs Salmeron-teacher

Daily ams

Thurs pms

Tues/Thurs pms

English LA targeted support (in class)

English and Maths Booster

Mrs Coull-TA

Mr Cobbe (DHT)

Mrs McKeever-teacher




English and Maths Booster

English and Maths interventions

Mr Cobbe (DHT)

Ms Smith-TA


Daily 11-12pm

Tuesday pms

Maths LA support

English and Maths Booster

Mr Cobbe (DHT)

English and Maths after school interventions: 

Year Group After school booster club Staff member
1 Mondays and Wednesdays Mrs Thorpe



Mrs Adams

Ms Morroll


Monday and Tuesdays


Mr Unwin

Mrs Speed (Phonics with SEN group)

4 Mondays and Wednesdays Miss Sigsworth




Miss Lancashire (SEN group)

Miss Stewart

Mrs Coull




Mr Cordon

Miss Smith

In addition to this, each class will have a designated reading volunteer to read with targeted children daily.

Further catch up funding will be allocated by the Government throughout the academic year 2021-2022.

Children who are working at low expected levels are currently being supported by additional staff until this funding is received in our school budget.

Tracking attainment:

Children’s progress will be monitored half termly and interventions reviewed and amended to ensure rapid progress.

Recovery Premium Statement 2021 – 2022