Welbeck Primary School
Governors – Visit Logs

Governors – Visit Logs

Welbeck Primary – Governor visit log/Training Log


Date Governor Focus of Visit Staff Link
07.09.2022 D Carter Safeguarding check R Gittins
16.09.2022 J Downey HT Performance Management R Gittins
22.09.2022 C Diamond School Development R Gittins
07.12.2022 G Dodsley KS1 Performance M Wildman
14.12.2022 G Dodsley KS2 Performance K Weatherall
15.12.2022 G Dodsley EYFS Performance A Challen
18.01.2023 A Dawlet Pupil Voice R Cobbe
26.01.2023 D Carter Safeguarding L Coull
01.02.2023 J Downey Health and Well-Being C Marks
02.02.2023 G Dodsley RSHE L Muntaquim
02.03.2023 G Dodsley RSHE L Muntaquim
07.03.2023 G Dodsley EFYS/KS1 Phonics M Wildman


Date Governor Focus of Visit Staff Link
30.09.2021 All Ofsted training R Gittins
04.10.2021 G Dodsley + J Downey HT PM Management R Gittins
12.10.2021 All Governors Ofsted Prep R Gittins
02.11.2021 D Carter Safeguarding Meeting L Coull
02.11.2021 J Downey Pupil Premium Review R Cobbe
03.11.2021 A Dawlat Pupil Voice R Cobbe
08.11.2021 G Dodsley Observation in Y2/1 and Y5 R Gittins
09.11.2021 G Dodsley Observation in EYFS M Wildman
15.11.2021 G Dodsley SEN Staff Meeting R McConnochie
22.11.2021 D Carter Safeguarding / School Development R Gittins
02.12.2021 J Downey PE and Sport Premium Review J Arnold
09.12.2021 G Dodsley Enrichment and Music Curriculum R Gittins
14.01.2022 D Carter Safeguarding Review R Gittins
31.01.2022 G Dodsley RSHE Monitoring Visit L Muntaquim
31.01.2022 G Dodsley Curriculum Standard Review – Work Scrutiny K Weatherall
31.01.2022 G Dodsley SEN CPD for staff R McConnochie
Feb 2022 D Carter Multiple visits to school to support HT and DHT R Gittins
02.03.2022 D Carter + G Dodsley + J Downey Ofsted Interview R Gittins
29.04.2022 D Carter SG Update and School Priorities R Gittins
26.05.2022 J Downey PE Lead Interviews R Gittins / R Cobbe
08.06.2022 G Dodsley Sports Day R Gittins
15.06.2022 D Carter SG Update and Staffing Update R Gittins
15.06.2022 A Dawlet Pupil Voice with School Council R Cobbe


Date Governor Focus of visit Staff link 
21.09.2020 D Carter Update and Safeguarding/LAC check R Gittins
24.09.2020 J Downey Pupil Premium Strategy R Cobbe
05.10.2020 G Dodsley RSHE training M Wildman
13.10.2020 D Carter APR with SIA R Gittins
12.11.2020 G Dodsley SEND training R McConnochie
19.11.2020 F Mahmood EYFS Teaching and Learning A Challen
19.03.2021 G Dodsley Remote Learning virtual monitoring R Cobbe/C Ollerenshaw
23.4.2021 D Carter Learning walk, Staffing, Safeguarding update R Gittins
7.5.2021 J Downey Pupil Premium progress R Cobbe
14.5.2021 A Dawlet Pupil Voice R Cobbe
Week commencing 14.6.2021 G Dodsley

SEN, RSHE and Curriculum review

Support with Creative arts week

K Weatherall

L Muntaquim

23.6.2021 G Dodlsey Creative Arts exhibition N/A
25.6.2021 N Choudry Review of Maths and Computing R Cobbe
8.7.2021 F Mahmood Review of Teaching and Learning in EYFS M Wildman