Welbeck Primary School
Languages Curriculum

Languages Curriculum

We are proud and passionate about our International Schools award and are committed to ensuring all KS2 children receive their languages curriculum. Our chosen language is Spanish.

All classes, from Year 3 to Year 6, have regular languages lessons delivered by the our native Spanish speaking teacher, Mrs Montalvo, or the class teacher. There is a planned programme of study which builds progression each year through a scheme of work.

In UKS2, children learn about Central and South America and as part of the ’50 things to do’ initiative, write to a pen pal in a Spanish speaking country. We celebrate ‘Modern Foreign languages’ day annually and provide children with cultural experiences including tasting traditional food, listening and dancing to traditional music and trying out native hobbies/games.

Each year, Secondary school Spanish teachers deliver workshops in school to further develop this provision and provide CPD for class teachers to enhance their subject knowledge.

In addition to this, our Gifted and Talented pupils have their knowledge and oracy developed by attending an additional session with Mrs Montalvo.

Spanish long term plan