Welbeck Primary School
Year 1 English Objectives

Year 1 English Objectives

Year 1


Children learn to:


Speak and listen for a wide range of purposes in different contexts

1.      Speaking

  • tell stories and describe incidents from their own experience in an audible voice
  • retell stories, ordering events using story language
  • interpret a text by reading aloud with some variety in pace and emphasis


2.      Listening and Responding

  • listen with sustained concentration
  • listen to and follow instructions accurately, asking for help and clarification if necessary
  • listen to tapes or video and express views about how a story or information has been presented


3.      Group discussion and interaction

  • take turns to speak, listen to others’ suggestions and talk about what they are going to do
  • ask and answer questions, make relevant contributions, offer suggestions and take turns
  • explain their views to others in small group, decide how to report the group’s views to the class


4.      Drama

  • explore familiar themes and characters through improvisation and role play
  • act out own and well-known stories, using voices for characters
  • discuss why they like a performance


Read a wide range of texts on screen and on paper

5.         Word reading skills and strategies

  • read words by blending adjacent consonants, including simple two-syllable words
  • use phonics to read unknown or difficult words
  • recognise all common digraphs and trigraphs
  • read automatically high frequency words
  • use syntax and context to self-correct when reading for accuracy and meaning


6.         Understanding and interpreting texts

  • identify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple texts
  • make predictions showing an understanding of ideas, events and characters
  • recognise the main elements that shape different texts
  • explain the effect of patterns of language and repeated words and phrases


7.         Engaging with and responding to texts

  • select books for personal reading and give reasons for choices
  • visualise and comment on events, characters and ideas, making imaginative links to own experiences
  • distinguish story and information books and the different purposes for reading them



Write a wide range of texts on paper and on screen

8.   Creating and shaping texts

  • independently choose what to write about, plan and follow it through
  • use key features of narrative in their own writing
  • convey information and ideas in simple non-narrative forms
  • find and use new and interesting words and phrases, including ‘story language’
  • create short simple texts on paper and on screen which combine words with images (and sounds)


9.   Text structure and organisation

  • write chronological and non-chronological texts using simple structures
  • group written sentences together in chunks of meaning or subject


10. Sentence structure and punctuation

  • compose and write simple sentences independently to communicate meaning
  • use capital letters and full stops when punctuating simple sentences


11. Word structure and spelling

  • segment sounds in order to spell longer words including words with common digraphs and adjacent consonants
  • write correct spelling for common vowel phonemes
  • use knowledge of related words and familiar suffixes in spelling new words


12. Presentation

  • write most letters, correctly formed and orientated
  • write with spaces between words accurately
  • use the space bar and keyboard to type name and simple text